GSK Update - New Sustainability Reporting Obligations under the Taxonomy Regulation

By Beate Dünschede for GSK Stockmann, February 05 2021
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The EU Taxonomy Regulation establishes new disclosure obligations which will enter into force as of 1 January 2022. They will apply to reports for the financial year 2021.

The new disclosure obligations apply to large public-interest entities which are also subject to Directive 2014/95/EU and already publish non-financial information.

Entities in the scope of the new reporting requirements will have to publish the proportion of their turnover, CapEx and OpEx associated with taxonomy-aligned sustainable assets, services or activities.

Indirectly, all businesses active in sectors considered most critical for climate change, such as real estate, energy, IT and mobility will be affected. They will be required, either directly or through their investors, to track and screen the taxonomy-alignment of their economic activities and assets.

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